
Order Status Meanings

Once you have placed your order, we will send you an email detailing your order and its order status. As we progress with your order, the order status will change. The meanings of our order statuses are listed below:
  • Pending = We are having problems accepting payment. Please call 033-03903-699 for assistance.
  • Awaiting Payment = We are waiting on your bank transfer.
  • Awaiting Fulfilment = We have received payment and will be picking and packing your order
  • Awaiting Pick Up = The order is ready for collection. You should also have been emailed or called to confirm pick up from time.
  • Awaiting Courier Collection = Your order is ready for shipment but is still in our warehouse
  • Partially Shipped = We have shipped part of your order - Check your tracking number on your email for further information.
  • With Courier/Picked Up = We have shipped your order in full (please check your tracking number in your email for further information), or if you have collected your order, confirmation that the order has been Picked Up.

If you have any questions, please contact us